Safety Matting

Introducing our premium Safety Matting collection, a seamless blend of durability and comfort for your workspaces. Perfect for high-traffic areas, our Safety Rubber Matting helps reduce slips and falls while providing cushioned support. Made from high-quality, resilient rubber, these mats are designed to withstand heavy use and harsh conditions. Choose from a variety of designs to match your aesthetic. Browse through our Rubber Safety Matting range today for a safer, more comfortable, and productive work environment.

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Blue mat surrounding a swimming pool
CategoriesLeisure Matting

What is Leisure Matting, and how are they installed?

What is Leisure Matting, and how are they installed? What is Leisure Matting? Leisure Matting is matting that has been…

Benches and free weights on interlocking gym tiles.
CategoriesLeisure Matting

What Leisure Matting do we have?

What Leisure Matting do we have? Leisure matting is matting which can be used for non-work related purposes, for a…

Standing vs. sitting desks with two examples
CategoriesAnti-Fatigue Matting

Standing Vs. sitting desks

Standing Vs. Sitting desks Recently, after countless studies have taken place there has been a ‘movement’ that has led to…

Horse standing on stable mat
CategoriesLeisure Matting

Where and how can can you install leisure matting?

Where and how can can you install leisure matting? How do you install our leisure mats? We have a variety…

Blue leisure mat beside steps into a swimming pool
CategoriesLeisure Matting

Why do we need leisure matting?

Why do we need leisure matting? Our leisure matting range is designed for use in recreational environments, such as leisure…

Man stood at a workstation on a black/yellow deluxe workplace mat
CategoriesAnti-Fatigue Matting

Anti-Fatigue Mats explained

Anti-Fatigue Mats explained The facts behind absenteeism due to MSD’s A lot of people have to stand for long periods…

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